Regarding the Secondary Use of Content

1. Conditions for the Secondary Use of Content

【Search Historical Documents】

The transcription data for the Genjizoho Goshojakumokuroku (including Ikokushomoku, Goshojaku Rairekishi, and Shimatsuki) featured on “Digital Momijiyama Bunko” Database (hereinafter, “the Database”) has been created by the Research Group on the Former Collection of Momijiyama Bunko (hereinafter, “the Group”). Users are free to use the transcription data. However, if a user reproduces or reuses a significant portion of it, our group kindly asks that the user explicitly acknowledge that the transcription was carried out by our Group.

【Search Extant Materials】
・Image Data

The images of the collections of the Toshoryo Bunko, Archives and Mausolea Department, the Imperial Household Agency listed in the “Digital Momijiyama Bunko” Database (hereinafter, “the Database”) can be downloaded by the user for personal use. However, in order to use the downloaded images for secondary use (e.g., posting, broadcasting, and/or republishing images onto websites and publications, etc.), whether for profit or non-profit, an application to the library is required. The application page can be found here.

For the secondary use of images from the former Cabinet Library holdings included in the National Archives of Japan’s Digital Archive featured on this database, please refer to the Terms of Use of the National Archives Digital Archive.

・Bibliographic Data

The copyright of the bibliographic data from within the contents of this database belongs to the Research Group on the Former Collection of Momijiyama Bunko (hereinafter, the “Group”). From the bibliographic data, the simplified metadata within the scope included in the IIIF manifest provided by the Database can be reproduced, processed, and included in publications, websites, and broadcast programs for free without having to go through special procedures.

Secondary use of detailed bibliographic data from “書誌書影 (Bibliographic data and reference images)” pages is allowed only when the following conditions are met:

  1. Inclusion of a clear indication that the presented information comprises bibliographic data that was prepared by our Group, in accordance with citation methods provided for by law.
  2. Quoted materials posted to a website (or equivalent) must include a link to the Database.
  3. In cases where bibliographic data have been edited before publication, this fact is clearly stated.

2. Disclaimer

Our Group, which created the Database, along with the Keio Institute of Oriental Classics (hereinafter, “KIOC”), which operates the Database, shall bear no responsibility for any acts performed by users who make use of the Database and/or the contents posted on the Database. In addition, neither the Society nor the KIOC shall be held liable for any damage caused by the use of or inability to use the Database’s contents.

3. Links to this website

Users are allowed to link to the Database.
When using third-party websites linked from the Database, follow the terms and conditions of use of each website. In addition, neither our Group nor the KIOC is responsible for the contents of the linked website(s) and/or any damage caused by the use of such third-party sites.